Men need facials just as much, or even more, than women. This is due to the fact that they have thicker and oilier skin,. so they are more predisposed to acne conditions.
The homme improvement facial is done at Future Aesthetics by beauty therapist Narda Williams. And it has many benefits to appreciate and enjoy. It strengthens the skin’s elasticity, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, kills acne-causing bacteria, diminishes pore size and reduces hyperpigmentation.
It’s a simple and painless procedure. Dubbed as the facial healer by her colleagues and clients, Williams meticulously uses her hands and tools.
“If your skin is where you want it to be, then you can do this facial once every month. But if it is not and you have problematic skin, then you have to get it done every two weeks until your skin has improved,” Williams explained to Flair.

She’ll start the skincare regimen with a cleansing. And don’t worry, there’s no scrubbing involved. Cleansing is a crucial aspect of all facials. This exfoliating deep cleanse gets rid of impurities to open the pores.
The next step is extraction. Usually, this is the most dreaded aspect of a facial and many have opted to avoid this. But, you’ll like this part. It’s done differently, that’s simultaneously with steaming. It’s one of the most important aspects of a facial. The warm sensation on your face is enough to make you feel refreshed. But that’s not the only magic that happens. The steam also helps to open your pores, so the process will be expedited. “If this is not done right, extraction will make the situation worse. It will even leave scarring, so it’s important that whoever is doing it is properly trained,” she said.
The other steps involve toning, hydrating, masking and – the best part – oxygen infusion. Toning helps to balance the pH of the skin and corrects prior issues such as acne. This is followed by steaming and removal of ingrown hairs. This is followed by the application of a customised mask and oxygen infusion.
Your face is the first line of defence against the world. It’s also your ticket to a number of opportunities.
Still, skincare does not end here. Future Aesthetics advises, “To achieve true and long-lasting effects of healthy skin, the home-care regimen is of paramount importance. Dedicated products should be used to cleanse, tone and, importantly, to moisturise the skin. Sunscreen is also recommended to prevent damage from the UV rays of the sun, which ages, burns and predisposes to cancer.”
Future Aesthetics is located at 1 Brompton Road, Kingston 5, and may be contacted at 876-618-3616.
Story by: Rocheda Bartley
Photos by: Shorn Hector