Accompong’s youngest chief has been making waves at home and on social media, where his photos and big plans for the Maroons have already received rave reviews. Here are three things we learnt about the new leader in his interview with The Gleaner.
- The former Munro College student has a first degree in accounting and international business at the University of Technology and a MBA from the Mona School of Business.
- Currie has spent 15 years in finance, marketing, and communications, having worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers as an internal auditor and DB&G as an investment analyst. The 40-year-old has also worked with a number of multinational companies, including Diageo, Wray & Nephew, Consumer Brands, and Lascelles deMercado.
- Though he has assumed the role of leader of the Accompong Maroons, he does not consider himself a politician. “I would never consider myself a politician, never wanted to be seen in that light, but what drew me was witnessing the atrocities that were being carried out against the culture, against the people,” he told The Gleaner.